It's 2016!!! Vision for the New Year

We've been gone for a minute...  But now we're back! And its 2016!!!!  

Happy New Year!!!! May all of you have a peaceful, prosperous, and healthy 2016!!! 

Now let's get back to business.

2015 was a year of new beginnings for the tev blog.  It started as an idea.  I kept a running note in my iPhone with possible names, topics, features, and inspiration.  When I was finally brave enough, I found a platform and started to blog.  I wrote under the label of "Sneak Peek" so that I could get comfortable and learn the functionality of the template.  It was also a time for me to experiment with topics, figure out my direction, and become more confident in what my blog is about.  

So now that it is 2016, the "Sneak Peek" is OVER!!! We are going full speed ahead with tev!!!

In looking forward to 2016 and beyond, here are some things that are on the way from the tev blog:

More #truth:  Looking forward to Real Talk, Real Discussion, Real Life from career advice, health information, marriage insights, singles chat, book reviews, and and much more.  We are going to get to know each other better in 2016!!

More #elevation:  A blog favorite, #WeCanWednesday will be a weekly staple, along with weekly motivational quotes on our home page.  Also, we will be sharing more inspirational and spiritual stories from our friends, favorite authors, and other sources to keep you encouraged and motivated to live life to the fullest.

More #value: We have more tips, tricks, and hacks that will help you save money, shop smarter, and be a conscious consumer.  Value articles will also include reviews of products and companies that we use and love.

More FOOD!!!  Look forward to more recipes, more cookbook reviews, and also more entertaining tips and DIY projects to like and share.  Foodies Unite!!!

In 2016 we will maintain a platform of positivity and fun, with the goal of uplifting all of our readers. Whether it be one reader or 1,000,000 readers, we want to share good and interesting content with our community.  We are excited about all that 2016 has in store for the tev blog, and can't wait to get started.

Thank you in advance for taking this journey with us!

