#WCW=We CAN Wednesday: On Assignment
/In my 20s, I had a fiery manager who would always tell me, “You are on assignment!” As I type this, I can see her face, her finger pointed (up, she’s short) at my nose, her eyes serious and direct. She was good at what she did, treated work as an opportunity to mentor, had a loving heart, and lead by example instead of with an iron fist. So when she (usually loudly) reminded me about my “assignment”, she wasn’t talking about the stack of work piled in my cubicle. My manager saw something in me that went beyond the desk and file cabinets where I spent the majority of my day.
My “assignment” was not for her to define, but for me to figure out. What am I here for? Why was I even born? What do I have to offer while I’m here on Earth? I can tell you that although I’ve worked in several cubicles, with several piles of work completed (or not 🤷🏾♀️) since then, her voice has never left me. Although I am thankful for each and every opportunity I have been given, none of the positions that I have held have been part of my “assignment”. To be honest - with each new job, even though I learned a lot, I was purposely walking away from my God-given assignment, year after year. I was forgoing the life I could have for an existence that barely, if ever, fed my soul or served a greater purpose.
Because I was scared of the unknown.
Because I was afraid of failure.
Because I was too concerned about what people would think of me.
Do you ever feel like this? I know that I’m not the only one who is (was) paralyzed to move towards what could be, because of the comfortable draw of the unremarkable familiar. As I approach 40, I am sharing this story because as I am now on a dedicated mission to activate my “assignment” because the pull on my heart is becoming stronger and more pronounced each day. I can’t keep putting it off, because my assignment is a part of me. Each moment wasted, procrastinated, or distracted chips away at time that could be spent walking in our purpose, and fulfilling our assignment. It’s time for us to get back on track!
What is your assignment? When will you make the decision to align yourself with your greater purpose? In the coming weeks/months the vision that I have been working on will be unfurled. Honestly, I’m as nervous as I am excited… to be even more honest, the familiar forces of doubt, fear, and mediocrity are coming on strong. But at some point we have to decide what is important to us, our actualization, and our personal growth. If I don’t take this step now, what example will I set for my children? If I don’t move forward, how will I be a fulfilled and contributing partner in my marriage? How can I praise God fully if I don’t trust Him enough to see this vision through?
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
This is still a New Year, so let’s make the decision to figure out what our “assignment” truly is! Brainstorm, talk it out, research areas that interest you, then WRITE IT DOWN!! What steps can you take in the coming weeks to move towards achieving your goals and walking in your purpose? Focus, meditate, pray, then be S.M.A.R.T.!