Adventures in Grouponing - Fun Times in The Big Apple

Photo by Marcello Bortolino/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by Marcello Bortolino/iStock / Getty Images

Shameful Admission:  For the past 12 weekends, I have been holding my husband hostage.  How?  It’s simple… Good, old-fashioned homework.  I am a graduate student taking courses in the quest to complete my degree.  For the most part, our weekends consist of the following:

·         Friday nights – Late dinners, good wine, and Netflix until sleepy.

·         Saturdays – Coffee, late breakfast, Open House on NBC, then off to run errands… then dinner and a homework/Netflix evening combo. 

·         Sundays – Church (though not as often as we should), then lunch and homework until midnight.

Needless to say, our summer escapades have taken a backseat to papers and tests.  Living thisclose to NYC, missing out on an entire summer would be dreadful, especially since we’ve had quite a few perfect weather days.  So after completing my finals on a Friday, I wanted to treat my long-suffering hubby to some fun.  Enter Groupon. 

On a beautiful New York Sunday, a mere $65 gave hubby and me the full NYC tourist experience.  A Groupon for Go New York Tours gave us a boat tour around New York Harbor and a Manhattan double decker bus tour through the city.  Our tour guide, Spence, gave us the history of the iconic NY buildings and monuments on our tour.  He even gave me a palm reading, prophesying a strong, impenetrable marriage and 7 children to come (yikes)!!  Some of the highlights; kissing underneath the Brooklyn Bridge, finally seeing the Statue of Liberty up close, and people watching through Times Square from the top of our tour bus.  Being that hubby is a native New Yorker that had never taken a tour; I’d say this was a slam dunk.  We had a blast, saw the sights, and had time to just enjoy each other’s company without being rushed to the next task on the weekend To-Do list.  I wish that every day were like this, but I’m glad that there are deals to be found and adventures to be had all through my trusty Groupon app. 

Here are some pictures of the day: